Saturday, January 9, 2010


SAMALONA REGGAE, a Reggae band from Surakarta - Solo at Central Java Indonesia. The Band born since August 22 th 2000 and grow inna Fine art Communities at Solo. The name Samalona was inspired by an amazing and beautiful beach island that spotted at Makassar City in South East Sulawesi Province Indonesia. In early year of 2000 some of Samalona personels came to Samalona beach and make some art performance for a couple of day.
8 person inside was Arif Worry Setiawan and Laili Rokeem: Vocal, Sandi Jeur: Lead Guitar, Ramone Bakhtiar: Rhythm Guitar, Tisnu Ithing: Bass, Nangki Prasetyo: Keyboard, Dilli Cenul: Drum, Budi P. Bud: Percussions dan 4th of their best friends additional player: Yuventius Doni: Saxophone Tenor and Clarinet, Gendot Dekanepa: Saxophone Alto and Flute, Savina Adis: Backing Vocal, Praba Denok: Backing Vocal. 

The main reason they take Reggae is because the pulse of reggae musics could make people dance. With different musics background from each personel give more color inna musics that they created. There are some fusion between Jazz, Blues, Reggae Roots, Ska and Keroncong, it make a difference sense of reggae music from other reggae bands. 
The album tittle KAYARASA is a proof of their existentions. Appropriate with the tittle, these album got some unique touch with universal lyrics, rich of sense and from each songs have a difference color and nuance. -Ya Sudah- are their first single from these album, interested character from these songs are Cheerfull Beat, Brightful Nuance with familiar Indonesian lyrics. The other singles are -Surakarta Jakarta- an easy listening urban songs with jazzy nuance. -Cease Fire- with peacefully contents, -Pagi- and -Share Some Love- that bring the taste of an oldskool ska and reggae beat! -Tree of Love- with strong blues ryhtmic nuance and -Sunshine- with Reggae Roots sense. 
Beside of their musics, Samalona was bring those Reggae pulse with Management, Band Crew and Artistic Team in each of their performance. There are some big support from several communities around and nearby Solo city that participate with bring name Samalona getting bigger. With a thousand times Live Performance at Solo and several cities there are some fanatic fans that called temansamalona. The Fans made Samalona getting more mature on their musics and more sure about the expectation from reggae people around the world.

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